Prudent organizations prepare to defend against workplace violence incidents. All Hazards has been offering workplace violence prevention training and consulting services since 2002 to both private sector organizations and public entities across the US, and the demand is consistent year after year. That’s because the statistics remain alarming: The CDC reported that 16,000 US workers suffered workplace violence incidents in one recent year alone. And in another year, 397 people were murdered at work, a number that outdistances fatalities from common industrial accidents. That statistic exceeds the combined number of those who, in the same year, were killed by fires and explosions, getting caught in machinery, or from exposure to harmful substances, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
As part of Workplace Violence (WPV) training, a lot of employers seek ‘active shooter’ training. This instruction essentially shows people what to do when a person shows up at their workplace with a firearm. Trainees learn how to react properly, stay safe, and remove themselves from danger. Active shooter training is valuable and should be a part of any WPV program. But to believe that such training is all that is needed is a crucial mistake.
Many Acts of Workplace Violence Are Preventable
What many people don’t always realize is that workplace violence events, even those that involve guns, are often preventable because the perpetrator will very often give you signs about what they are going to do. You just need to learn how to recognize the clues.
Workplace violence perpetrators almost never conduct violence in a random fashion. Their actions are most often targeted at a certain individual or group of individuals. This is known as ‘targeted violence’. The typical motive is to ‘get even’ for what they perceive is some unfair action on the part of targets.
Workplace violence perpetrators usually progress through a behavioral-based series of steps called the Targeted Violence Process.
This includes four stages:
- Ideation
- Planning
- Preparation
- Implementation
The goal in WPV Prevention is to identify which step a potential perpetrator is in and intervene before any violent acts of violence can occur. Intervention can include addressing or clarifying issues that may seem unfair or unwarranted, professional counseling, referral to mental health professionals, etc.
Findlay All Hazards provides insightful, customized training that helps managers, human resource professionals, and safety and security staffers recognize the warning signs of conflict and take proactive measures to prevent violence or harassment.
Findlay WPV trainers then work with your team to create a specific group, called a Threat Assessment Management Team, who work in a coordinated effort with local authorities and support agencies, and are ready to intervene when signs of trouble are apparent. This way, you’re heading off trouble before it happens. Knowing how and when to intervene properly and effectively requires behavioral observation skills, and Findlay teaches an approach developed and refined by the US Secret Service which has proven effective in corporate environments.
The All Hazards approach to creating a violence-free workplace identifies all possible contributors in your environment using Threat Assessment Management. This includes an examination of your policies and procedures, training on how to recognize behavioral-based indicators, and an evaluation of facility security systems. A great training experience may also include interactive training or a full-scale exercise, depending on the nature of your organization and the results of your threat assessment.
Delivering Proven, Effective, and Flexible Concepts
Organizations face their own unique challenges, making a “cookie cutter” approach to workplace violence prevention training a poor fit to most situations. Our approach is different: Experienced Findlay professionals first meet with your team to understand your needs and then tailor a program to meet those demands. Then we work with your staff to develop and deliver training that includes the appropriate mix of:
- Writing or Revising Your Workplace Violence Prevention Policy
- Training Your Staff In Recognizing Behavior Cues That Escalate to Conflict
- Incorporating Community Resources And Local Law Enforcement Into Your Plans
- Developing a US Secret Service-based Threat Assessment Management Team
- Recommending Facility Security System Enhancements
- Formulating Safe Employee Termination Procedures